Traveller ‘s guidance

This trip will not be a simple tourist visit. You will know a different world, the reality of a community that struggles every day to keep going, living with them and getting to know first-hand. their way of life and culture. In addition, the Masai warriors themselves will be your guides on safaris and various activities, being able to learn everything about their customs, traditions and the fauna and flora of this incredible corner in the planet.

The camp is created with the intention of contributing to the overall project sustainability, especially the primary ADCAM Mara Vision School, located a few meters from the Lodge, where 250 students receive childhood and primary education.

Below, we share with you some information and recommendations that may be useful for your trip.

Kenya is one of the safest countries in Africa, especially the Maasai Mara area, as it is  the Serengeti-Mara Natural Park Conservation Area and is protected and permanently monitored by “rangers”, to guarantee your safety and the animals well-being.

The country’s capital is Nairobi, and the two official languages are Swhahili and English.

The official currency is the Kenyan Shiling (Ksh) and although the change is variable, a quick way for you to calculate the things price once you are there is more or less  100ksh = € 1.

In order to travel to Kenya, it is no obligattiry to have any vaccines but usually is recommended to take prophylactic measures against malaria. It is best that you contact your nearest Tropical Disease Vaccination Center where they will advise you on everything and administer the necessary vaccines if necessary in each case, even though finally is a responsibility and decision of every traveller.

In Kenya there is no Spanish social security coverage, so we advise you to take out international travel medical insurance, you can ask us for more information if you are interested.

It is also recommended to travel with a small first-aid kit that contains the most commonly used medications (aspirin, ibuprofen, plasters, diarrhea pills, antihistamine…) in addition to adding sunscreen and mosquito repellent.

There are usually no medical setbacks on trips to our project, but for your peace of mind, there are hospitals in the main cities in the country well prepared if necessary.

You will be a few days in the middle of the savanna, so it is preferable that you wear comfortable clothes and shoes, mainly loose cotton and linen garments.

At sunset it cools down a bit so you should add some long-sleeved garment that will also protect you from mosquitoes, as well as a slightly thicker jacket or a fleece for morning safaris, because when going by car with no windows the air usually quite cold at that time. Finally, it is advisable to wear your sunglasses and a cap to protect yourself from the sun on daytime walks.

Regarding personal hygiene products, hand sanitizer is very useful. You can carry everything you need in your toiletry bag, checked in the suitcase, but we would ask that in the event that you finish a product with a plastic container during your stay, you bring it back to Spain to dispose of it here and avoid generating this type of waste in the camp. Our destruction system is very basic and we always try to minimize the generation of waste to preserve the environment as much as possible.

In addition, it is important that you know that since 2017 a very strict regulation has been applied that has prohibited the use of plastic bags throughout the country, so we recommend avoiding them.

On international flights they usually allow 20-30kg, depending on the company. If you need to wash any item of clothing during your stay, in our camp we have a laundry service.

For further information contact camp@adcam.es

To make your reservation effective, it is necessary to pay 50% of the amount in advance.

The rest will be paid at the latest 15 days before traveling.

Discount will be applied to groups of more than 8 people.

Prices DO NOT include:

– International ticket.

– Entry visa to Kenya

– Travel Insurance (optional, but recommended).

– Fizzy and alcoholic beverages consumed in the Camp.


Bank Transfer to the following details:

Beneficiary account: KIKANAE OLE PERE

Euros – account number: 2022105453

Dollars – account number: 2036492336

Swift Code: BARCKENXXXX     


Adress: 30120-00100.  BRANCH. QUEENS WAY

City: NAIROBI  Country: KENIA

All Swift commissions (payer and beneficiary) are for the payer’s account.

*45 days more in advance, 100% of the amount paid to ADCAM   is returned, except for the amount of the plane tickets.

*Between 30  and 45 days in advance, 50% will be returned.

*With less than 30  days the reservation will not be returned. 

For more information get in touch through ecolodge@sawamara.com